Proksee Tools
Below is the current list of tools available to Proksee projects. To use a tool, first start a project on the New Project page and then start your tool of interest from the Tool Panel in the Sidebar.
Tool List
Alien Hunter1.1.0Predict putative Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) events.
Plots1.0.0Upload plot data from a text file.
Features2.0.3Upload feature data from a text file (e.g. CSV, GFF3, GTF, BED).
Prokka1.2.0Annotate the genome sequence with Prokka.
FastANI1.1.0Fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI).
Map Builder2.0.5Builds the initial CGView JSON file from a GenBank, EMBL, FASTA or raw sequence.
BLAST Formatter1.0.3Color existing BLAST features by percent identity and sort BLAST tracks by similarity.
Bakta1.1.0Annotate the genome sequence with Bakta.
CARD Resistance Gene Identifier1.2.1The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI)
MITOS1.1.3Annotate metazoan mitochondrial genomes with MITOS 2. Limited to genomes up to 50 kbp and 10 contigs.
GC Skew1.0.2Add a GC Skew plot.
GC Content1.0.2Add a GC Content plot.
Track List Caption1.2.0Create a track figure caption describing all the visible tracks.
VirSorter1.1.1Detect dsDNA and ssDNA virus genomes (phage).
pLannotate1.1.0Annotate engineered plasmids with pLannotate. Only works with sequences less than 50,000 bp.
mobileOG-db1.1.3Find mobile genetic elements (MGEs).
Proksee Assemble1.3.0Assemble sequencing reads with Proksee Assemble.
CRISPR/Cas Finder1.1.0Find CRISPR arrays and their associated Cas proteins.
BLAST1.4.1Perform a BLAST comparision with another genome sequence.
ORFs1.0.1Find Open Reading Frames (ORFs)
Phigaro1.0.1Detect and annotate prophage regions.